Wednesday, March 2, 2011


i am looking for two people who are willing to work hard and advertise the site... these positions will have you be required to post about fashion, music, art, and culture."LIFESTYLE". I will ask that you can prove to me that you can post different subjects very well, i will need a creative blog designer etc. These positions are not payed positions but i know that if we get some people willing to work hard along with me.. we will travel the world... age does not matter just tell me more about yourself and what you do and we will keep in touch... also we will also give interviews to celebrities and up and coming celebrities.. we will be doing big things.. join me
!!!!HURRY UP don't miss your chance!!!!

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∆bout Me...

Hello everyone I am a 15 year old girl that is working very hard to make her dreams come true.I am Known as The Fierce Jet Setter, Young Queen Bee, and Ke'Airra, but you can all call me Key. Also, I love in Detroit, Michigan. I have many crafts but just to name a few .... Fashion designer, Singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, entrepreneur, and many many more things. My crafts are what i am going to be showcasing on this blog..Fashion...Music...Art...Culture. mainly the things i will display are going to be things and/or people that inspire me in my journey to sucesss. i have a long way, but if you continuously check out my blog daily you will witness my dreams becoming reality. Thank you for taking your time to read this.God Bless You All. May The Best Of Your Todays, be The Worst Of Your Tomorrow!

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