Friday, September 30, 2011

Fresh Jive 2011 fall 'The Nude Study Series" T-Shirts (NSFW)

Freshjive rolls out a collection of three T-Shirt designs this season under its ongoing project “The Nude Study Series.” The latest installment this time involves Sabrine, a California native who stars heavily on this small capsule as well as a video. This most recent addition highlights the beautiful vignettes of Sabrine to the tune of “Love Her” by The Walker Brothers. In monochromatic approach, the sensual-filled photo printed shirts are now available at Reserve in various muted colorways.

Where are you from?Modesto California. I live in Los Angeles now.

Your ethnicity?Half black, half German.

Drink of choice?Mickeys and 4Loco. Or Roset if I wanna be classy.

Aspirations/Goals?I don’t know. I’ve changed my mind so many times. Now I’m just waiting for something to happen.

You once told me you wanted to be famous?Well yeah! Famous is something that’s gonna happen. Yeah, I’m gonna be someone.

How do you plan to be famous?Keeping my clothes on, sucking a lot of dick (kidding). Actually you have to suck little dicks to get far cause the top people have the smallest dicks! I don’t really know. I can’t tell you yet. I’m just allowing myself to be famous. Not through acting or singing.

What’s your talent?My personality. That’s a talent, right?

What’s so special about your personality?It’s definitely one of a kind. There’s no way to forget me. That’s the one character trait everyone says that I have.

What are you doing in Los Angeles?Moved here for fashion school. I think it’s a bunch of tall girls with giraffe necks that stick their nose up way too high. But the school itself is a stressful clusterfuck.

What do you do for money?Hustle. Independent contractor. In other words, none of your business.

Sex or Love?Sex.

Dominant or submissive?Dominant.

Money or Power?Money.

Weed or cigarettes?Both.

Best feature?Cheekbones.

Best feature in a guy?Shoulder blades.

Self sufficient or male sycophant?My men suck off me.

Favorite thing to do in L.A?People watch.

Work or play?Same thing.

Why L.A. And not somewhere else?The weather dumb-ass.

A funny story you have since coming here?I watched a man pay a stripper just to hug her.
How Much?$180.

How much would you charge?$400.

That’s the only story you got?The only one I’m gonna tell you! Here’s another that’s not really funny, but it was awkward. Went to a swingers party where nobody was swinging. It was like junior high. Boys on one side, girls on the other. Nobody was naked.

Your next move?Move to Germany for the summer. And buy a side cart for my motorcycle so my German Shepard can ride with me.

If anyone wants to pay you for a hug, who should they contact?You can act as my agent. Have them contact you.

If anyone’s interested in a hug from Sabrine, please contact me at $400 payable to Freshjive. Credit Cards accepted.

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∆bout Me...

Hello everyone I am a 15 year old girl that is working very hard to make her dreams come true.I am Known as The Fierce Jet Setter, Young Queen Bee, and Ke'Airra, but you can all call me Key. Also, I love in Detroit, Michigan. I have many crafts but just to name a few .... Fashion designer, Singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, entrepreneur, and many many more things. My crafts are what i am going to be showcasing on this blog..Fashion...Music...Art...Culture. mainly the things i will display are going to be things and/or people that inspire me in my journey to sucesss. i have a long way, but if you continuously check out my blog daily you will witness my dreams becoming reality. Thank you for taking your time to read this.God Bless You All. May The Best Of Your Todays, be The Worst Of Your Tomorrow!

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